

Below is a list of things that I now say on a frequent/or infrequent basis that I never really thought would make up any part of my daily dialogue:

That's a witch, remember a witch has a hat and a ghost wears a sheet 

You peed/pooped.  Great Job!

Please stop grabbing your Penis

Twin Bonus: Please stop grabbing your brother's penis

I think that's water...nope it's pee, it's definitely pee

Please take your feet off the table. 

Where's your  __________(insert toy, socks, underwear, your brother)

Yes, I am listening 

I am not laughing

Listen to your mother please

Sweet dreams, warm thoughts and a day full of smiles

Nice heals

Remember to ask in your polite voice

I am sorry...Good Morning ______ (insert name of Disney Character of the Day) 

If you don't eat your _________(insert any vegetable) there isn't any dessert.

I would love to hold your hand but Daddy's driving right now


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